


Yep, that’s it, in all it’s glory. The great drawing is by Nabbe, the bastard. We’ve also set a date, so get your agenda and write it down. SATURDAY FEBRUARY 3RD : Shield Recordings showcase @ The Stage, Arnhem (NL). First time our CD will be for sale. For 10 of those precious euros you’ll get 12 songs in return. 25 minutes in total, recorded at Studio 195 with Patrick Delabie. Check out these two songs of the record (if you didn’t already) :

Use Your Head

Or check them out at our Myspace page. Feel free to leave a comment while you’re there!

If you can’t make it to the release show but want to get your copy as soon as possible, just shoot us a mail and we’ll work something out.

The LP will follow later, somewhere in spring this year. We’ll let you know when we have more info about that. Cause we can’t wait to get our hands on that one ourselves.


We love tapes. Aside from the new record that’s coming out we’re also appearing on the Pressure Release Records tape compilation with “Use Your Head”. The tape will be released at the Light The Fuse fest. Be sure to pick this tape up because with bands like World Collapse (GERMANY), Go For Broke (SWEDEN), Dirty Money (UK), Sixpack (POLAND), Civil Terror (NL), Out Come The Wolves (SPAIN), Damaged Goods (BELGIUM), Killing Frost (PORTUGAL) and many more from all over Europe you don’t want to miss out on this one.


PS > Go listen to Only Living Witness.