
Keep It Real #7

Hey Pim! What’s going on in SaD’s headquarters? Yo Apostolis! Sun is shining over here now. So I’m not complaining… Guess it’s way sunnier over there in Greece though. Anyway, the CD is out for some time now and getting some great feedback. At the moment we’re busy finishing everything for the LP release. Artwork […]

Face Reality #2

Yo Pim, who and what is said and done? Hey Tim. Said And Done is a hardcore band. That answer must have surprised you. Oh well, in reviews we’ve been compared to bands like Leeway, Cro-Mags, Maximum Penalty, Beowulf etc and we’re not complaining about that at all haha. Would you? In reality we’re just […]

Insider Magazine

Hi Pim, how are you doing? Yo Kevin, good! I should be busy with school cause I have a lot of stuff to finish, but stuff for the band (like this interview) keeps popping up. And off course I want to do that stuff first. Setting your priorities, right? Right! Just for the record, could […]

Rock Tribune (in Dutch)

De naam Said And Done is nog niet bij iedere hardcoreliefhebber bekend. Dat komt enerzijds omdat de band nog niet erg groot is, maar anderzijds ook omdat men de afgelopen jaren onder de naam Stab Back opereerde. Zanger Pim Arts is niet alleen actief in zijn band, maar runt ook Pressure Release Records, helpt een […]