We’ve been posting this image a couple of times now:
Today it’s time to leave. Needless to say we’re looking forward to the trip.
These are the first shows we’ll be playing in the new line-up (with Goran on guitar). Give him a warm welcome people, make him feel at home.
First up is the show in Lendelede, organised by the Clinckemaillie brothers. Our first time in Belgium since March, it’s been a while. Did you check out that new Black Haven track? Different, but damn good. Looking forward to hearing that.
The day after we’re heading to the UK again. We’ve been there in May already, but when Carry The Weight unfolded their plans for their showcase we simply couldn’t refuse. So we booked ourselves a show in Leeds to make it a proper weekender. Leeds is a first time for us. We’ll be driving all day to get there. Cold Snap has pulled out but we’ll be headbanging to Ark Of The Covenant anyway. Last time they did a great Arkangel cover.
To close off the weekend with a bang we’re playing Carry The Weight Fest in Canterbury. We’ve never been there either, but who cares. Cornered & Ironclad pulled out and Ripped To Shreds was replaced by Wardogs (so going to pick up a demo!). Aside from that we’re looking forward to see those clean cut guys from Never Again again again again again, playing their final set. Deal With It releasing their new (great!) record, French Rob’s The Hard Way, Rot In Hell (siked for the mid-set interval!) etc. etc. Just too much to mention.
Hope to see you on the road!
Oh and to all you zineheads: Pim’s Some Will Never Know #2 is finished and we’ll have it with us on the road. Will be the first chance to pick it up. After this weekend a proper announcement will follow and we’ll put it in our online distro. So keep an eye on that.