So the Twitter thing (www.twitter.com/saidanddonehc) is working great but it kinda replaced these entries and that wasn’t our intention, so here we go again. Let’s see what is going on in the S&D world recently:
First of all, maybe not that band related: Joost and me (Pim) were in our final year, so most of our time was spend on graduating. Luckily it was time well spend because we both managed to graduate. We can call ourselves bachelors now. Hooray. Now we can work until the end of days. Day in, day out.
But let’s talk S&D. Last weekend was amazing! We played 2 of the 3 Cold World shows in Germany. Hamburg and Essen were invaded and good times were had. It was good to be back in Hamburg, Rota Flora is such an amazing venue. Would play there every week if possible. There was a big demonstration (by the St. Pauli guys) in the city and there were cops everywhere. Impressive to say the least. Essen was cool too. Huge venue and we expected the worst sound ever when we walked in, but we were proven wrong. Sound was dead on (on stage atleast). It’s always interesting to see how a show like that goes (with that many bands on the lineup) but heads were bopping, lips were moving and people got moving. All in all, a great weekend. Good to talk to some people again too. Thanks go out to Alex and Worship Records and the guys from the St. Pauli hooligans for letting us stay at their place in Hamburg 🙂
So when Joost switched places with Henri (from Maaswater Veenlijk, who filled in on drums for half a year) again we told you guys it probably wouldn’t be the last you would see of Henri… Yesterday we rehearsed with Henri again. Joost is in India at the moment and the show must go on. We’re playing an outdoors show this Sunday in Cuijk and Henri will be beating the drums.
Talking about Henri filling in again, brings me to the next subject. In August we’re doing a short trip through Europe. Henri will be filling in on these dates as well. Not on drums though, but on bass this time. The boy’s talented 😉 Aside from that we’re taking Goran (Make Them Suffer) along with us. In the future he might be filling in on guitar when needed. Dude can play. We’re hitting up Germany, Poland, Austria and Belgium for sure, including 3 shows with Trash Talk. Hopefully France will be added to the list as well. We’ll see. It’s a shitty period to travel with a lot of clubs/youth centres being closed, but it was the only period we could do this. We’re siked anyway, come on over and do the twist with us.
Aside from that we’re currently demoing / doing pre-production for a couple of new songs. I purchased some recording equipment not too long ago and it’s cool to figure it all out. We recorded drums for 6 new songs last week and will be adding guitars and stuff next week. No idea what we’ll be doing with these demos, all depends on how they’re going to sound like. Stoked to work on them. Releasewise we’ll see what the future brings, hopefully we can put out something by the end of the year, or early next year. Nothing solid yet.
A bit far away, but we’re looking forward to Some Hardcore Fest as well. We´re playing the Saturday (5th of September), same day as the exclusive Guns Up! reunion show. Get your tickets here. The more tickets they sell in presale the better since they have to pay the plane tickets for Guns Up! etc.
Guess that’s all for now. Just keep checking back or… follow us on Twitter.
PS > Add us on Facebook too. We need 100 people up there to get a proper URL. We need like 16 people.
PS2 > Some Will Never Know #2 still in the works.